Showroom - Malena's Vintage Boutique
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Malena’s Vintage Boutique + Private Showroom

Calling all costume designers, collectors, designers & stylists!

Did you know….tucked away next to the boutique there is a private showroom for industry clients? The showroom space is an appointment only and houses thousands of ladies’ wearable items dating from 1800-1980. With over 20 racks in the showroom, we are happy to find any look you might need for that 1950s wedding scene, your turn of the century suffragette film, or a Woodstock-styled photoshoot. Give us a call or send us a text for more details or to set up your appointment at 610-738-9952.
Read more about the showroom in the blogpost. Link below.
You can read that HERE.

You can also reach us via email at
Malena’s Vintage Boutique 101 West Gay Street,
West Chester, PA
Insta @MsMalena
