Vintage Clothing Showroom Sale: Where is it? What is it? When is it?
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It can be a tight squeeze, but the treasures you find are worth a little searching!

Vintage Clothing Showroom Sale: Where is it? What is it? When is it?

What is this mysterious Showroom?

The Showroom is often mentioned, rarely seen, and frequently passed by West Chester natives without notice. With over 20 racks of in-season inventory hanging at any given time, its pretty much any vintage lover’s dream. Now let’s dive in.

A treasure trove of vintage waiting to be discovered by you!

A treasure trove of vintage waiting to be discovered by you!

With the nature of the resale clothing business it is inevitable you have back-stock. Here at  Malena’s Vintage, we have at least 15 racks of back-stock hung and ready plus bins of off-season and antique delicates.  Having the surplus next door helps us keep the boutique inventory fresh. At the end of a busy day, we can easily grab more items and fill in the racks! The soon-to-be-listed and current online inventory for Etsy, eBay, and Ruby Lane are hanging there ready to ship or inspect for inquiries regarding details important to the online clients we may have missed. These racks are not usually available during showroom sales. It is very difficult to keep track of, however, all you have to do is ask! If the showroom isn’t open we are usually able to hop over and grab something if there is more than one of us working.

Where is it?

Just around the corner from the shop on North Church Street. Look for Dark Green Siding and frosted window panes with an M and little star etched onto each door.  The address is 104 North Church, just 30 feet away from the shop at 101 West Gay Street.

A peek at all the goodies in the showroom.

A peek at all the goodies in the showroom.

When is the next showroom sale?

The next showroom sale is yet to be determined. Keep you eyes on our instagram for announcements about the next public opening.

Hundreds of items available in the coveted showroom space.

Hundreds of items available in the coveted showroom space.

It says the showroom is available for appointment only, what does that mean?

We aim to open the showroom to the public at least 4 times a year. Outside of those advertised openings, private appointments are available to designers, stylists, and collectors. A private showing requires a pre-determined minimum purchase.

Racks are color coordinated just like in the boutique!

Racks are color coordinated just like in the boutique!

If that doesn’t work for you, don’t fret!

Should you have a special event or be specifically looking for something, please reach out to us. The Malena’s team more than willing and regularly pull 10-15 options for clients that inquire about pieces or styles that we might not have in the shop at the moment. We just ask that you text us at least a day beforehand and we will always do our absolute best to accommodate you!

We hope that this has given some insight for many of our lovely clients and hopefully encourages you to come visit us if you haven’t yet!

Just a handful of racks stowed away in the showroom!

Just a handful of racks stowed away in the showroom!

Read more blog posts linked below:

Announcing the Blog!!

How to wear Vintage Scarves

Celebrating 15 years in Business

Visit our Etsy page for our favorite vintage treasures:

MsMalenasVintage on Etsy

Follow us on Social media to see daily behind the scenes:

@msmalena on Instagram

Malena’s Vintage Boutique on Facebook

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